FREE REPORT: The Indicators, Mindset, and Strategies Behind Jack Kellogg’s $12 Million Trading Strategy

FREE REPORT: The Indicators, Mindset, and Strategies Behind Jack Kellogg's $12 Million Trading Strategy


Discover How Former Valet Jack Kellogg Amassed An $12 Million Portfolio with 4 Game-Changing Signals

Written by Jack Kellogg
Updated 4/16/2024
6 min read

Jack Kellogg isn’t your typical stock investor.

As a 19-year-old high school graduate, he made a decision that would create the type of ‘rags-to-riches’ story that almost all Americans would dream of.

Working as a valet, Kellogg took the $7,500 in his savings account and turned it into an $12 million dollar portfolio by trading a select stock niche.

His first trades lost money…

Leading him to realize he didn’t know what he was doing.

It was Kellogg’s next move that would change his life forever…

He applied for an online trading education course that taught him the foundations of trading in any market conditions.

By the time the stock market began to rally hard in 2020, Jack Kellogg was ready to ride the upwards wave.

His tax returns showed that he reported over $8 million in gains from day trading in 2020 and 2021. His returns gained momentum in 2020 when he had a total income of $1.6 million. In 2021, that amount grew to a total income of $6.5 million.

All said and done, Jack has made $12+ million since he began trading.

5 years into trading full-time, he’s experienced a myriad of market conditions — from the crash of 2020 — to bull and bear markets in 2021 and 2022.

Through all the market turbulence, Jack has relied on his 4 simple indicators to skyrocket his account growth.

Any versatile trader must know these key signals to keep trading simple in any market conditions, as Jack has.

These trendlines are the foundations to trading. It doesn’t matter what AI or algorithm you’re using if you don’t know what to do with the data.

Today, Jack is giving away the 4 indicators he uses for consistent gains, completely free.

Simply enter your email below to access Jack’s free report.
